
A list of my publications.


IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems [IROS]

Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 14-18

Exploring How Non-Prehensile Manipulation Expands Capability in Robots Experiencing Multi-Joint Failure [PDF] [BIB]

Gilberto Briscoe-Martinez , Anuj Pasricha , Ava Abderezaei , Santosh Chaganti , Sarath Chandra Vajrala , Sri Kanth Popuri , and Alessandro Roncone


AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Human-Robot Interaction for Service Robots in Human Environments (AI-HRI 2019)

Arlington, VA, USA

Solving Service Robot Tasks: UT Austin Villa@Home 2019 Team Report [PDF] [BIB]

Rishi Shah , Yuqian Jiang , Haresh Karnan , Gilberto Briscoe-Martinez , Dominick Mulder , Ryan Gupta , Rachel Schlossman , Marika Murphy , Justin Hart , Luis Sentis , and Peter Stone